For example, the effects of some throws (e.g. Additional cancel points, allowing for part of one move to quickly transition to another.Missed Beast Drives tend to replenish a bit of health. Characters revert to human form whether the Beast Drive hits or not. Access to Beast Drives, powerful cinematic attacks unique to each character which deal a large amount of damage.

30 percent of any damage taken can be regenerated, shown as a blue bar extending from the life bar.An extra set of moves, performed using the beast button.While in beast form, the player gains various effects, such as: Also, it reverts the Beast Gauge to the blue bar, preventing them from transforming again until it is refilled.

An emptied life bar results in a knockout, but emptying the Beast Gauge and knocking the opponent down reverts them to human form. While in beast form, both the life bar and the Beast Gauge deplete. It fills with either a blue bar, indicating the player cannot switch to beast form, or a yellow bar with the words "BEAST CHANGE!!" appearing above it, meaning the player can transform. This gauge fills as the player performs moves or gets attacked.
Players start each fight with a full life bar and a Beast Gauge, which allows them to transform into a stronger half-animal fighter. Various characters also have light block counters, which work against certain high or mid-level punches and kicks. Various attacks in the game can break through and stagger opponents using a light block. Attacks can be blocked with either a light guard, performed by not pressing forward or backward, or a heavy guard by holding back or the block button. Special moves are primarily performed using quarter-circle or half-circle motions and a face button, though several exceptions exist. For example, if Yugo uses his counter move with really low health and he gets attacked, he will get KO'd but he still will counter-punch the other player, and will KO the other player if it also has really low health, but this doesn't happen in Extreme, with Yugo only getting KO'd and he won't counter-punch.Each character has a set of moves spread across a punch, kick, beast and block button, which is also used for throws.