Mass effect 2 tv tropes
Mass effect 2 tv tropes

mass effect 2 tv tropes

In the first game, Shepard is forced to destroy EDI's original incarnation, the rogue "Hannibal" AI on the Moon. Book Ends: Shepard is potentially responsible for the destruction of EDI twice.You won't get to learn what they are until late in the game. Black Box: Initially has a number of "unspecified" functions.To the point that Wrex is pleasantly surprised at EDI's level of emotion. Hell, the fight on the Normandy in the Citadel DLC might be the only time in the trilogy that she's actually angry. She will kill you, but not before making you suffer first. Berserk Button: Do not mess with the Normandy against her will.

mass effect 2 tv tropes

Despite this past history, EDI holds no malice towards Shepard for doing what they had to do. Hannibal was hinted to have been modified to make it into a 'true' AI, and it was a Crapshoot, taking control of the drones and turrets and actually killing personnel on Luna when they tried to disconnect it.

  • She reveals in 3 she was built out of the remains of the "Hannibal" VI that Shepard destroyed in the first game on the Moon.
  • That's some serious subverting right there. She's fully on your side - and very pleasant! - despite being an illegal AI developed from Reaper technology by a terrorist organization. Even after having her shackles removed, EDI remains one of Shepard's strongest assets against the Reapers and their pawns.

    mass effect 2 tv tropes

    Is a Crapshoot in mind she only has access to the weapons systems and the communications array. In that regard her arc is pretty important to the game's arc as a whole. Touchingly it ends with her crying into Shepard's love interest but smiling hopefully. In the Extended Cut, she narrates the Synthesis ending proclaiming that she is alive, as well as symbolically being the Eve to the new tech/organic race. However, it isn't until she gains her own body (and possibly develops a relationship with Joker) that she actually makes concerted efforts to feel "alive". There are shades of this in the second game also, since EDI spends a large amount of time trying to understand and rationalize organic behavior. Become a Real Boy: Her character development in Mass Effect 3.Ascended Extra: Introduced in the second game as merely a Exposition Fairy for the ship, becomes her own character and ally to the good guys by the end of the game, and then in the third game she becomes a squadmate and one of the game's major protagonists.Which EDI was fully supportive of, coincidentally. In fact, in the Citadel DLC it is revealed that Traynor was genuinely aroused by EDI's voice, wanting to do some very naughty things with it. Later on, a recording shows one of the scientists who worked on her confessing it's hard to resist EDI with a voice like hers. Aroused by Their Voice: Samantha Traynor sheepishly apologizes for the times she mentions how sexy EDI's voice was when she finds out EDI is an AI.As EDI's character develops, it just sorta. Appropriated Appellation: "EDI" stands for Enhanced Defense Intelligence, simply a label of her function.Otherwise, she remains completely helpful and friendly to Shepard, actively ignoring her many opportunities to betray them. She fulfills the trope, entirely against her will, if Shepard fails to stop the Overlord in time during Overlord. Almost every organic aboard the Normandy SR-2 expresses concern that she'll turn out this way, shackles or not. AI Is A Crap Shoot: Actively discussed.Later, however, she develops a special bond with him, and is the only character to routinely refer to Joker by his given name Jeff. Due to the fact that she's an artificial intelligence and is programmed to speak formally, EDI refers to him as "Mr. Just about everybody onboard the Normandy refers to Joker by his nickname. Actor Allusion: A fem-bot who gets in a relationship with a human?.Eva platform in Mass Effect 3, EDI becomes available as a squadmate. Action Girl: After taking over the Dr.In the third game, she acquires a Remote Body and becomes an official party member. It is now equipped with a shackled Artificial Intelligence called EDI ("Ee-dee", short for Enhanced Defense Intelligence) that runs the combat electronics. Cerberus builds a second, twice as large and more powerful Normandy for Shepard's mission. When the Normandy is destroyed in an ambush by the Collectors.

    Mass effect 2 tv tropes